Friday, September 7, 2007

Learn to Build a Great Playground

The McBeath Foundation and Safe & Sound are sponsoring a Kaboom! Workshop Entirely on Play (WE Play!) in Milwaukee that teaches people how to leverage volunteers to build playgrounds on September 19-20.

Members of the Youth and Recreation Working Group are particularly encouraged to attend and bring their newfound knowledge back to the committee to plan and build a playground in Harambee using volunteers and funds raised during the next few years. Every child needs a great playground in walking distance of home! The youth and recreation work group noted Harambee's shortage of public recreational spaces in their discussions. Please let Chris Grandt know by email if you plan to attend and let him know afterward if you want to get the Youth and Recreation group together to begin planning.

The agenda is posted here. Click on Kaboom's website here for more information and to learn more and/or register. The workshop is free.