Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Summary of Recreation and Youth Services Work Committee Meeting

On Wed, March 14th the Recreation and Youth Services work committee met for the first time at Solomon Community Temple. The following is a basic summary of the meeting:

General Discussion

* Discussed the need for more recreational areas in the Harambee Neighborhood, positive places where kids can go. Now, the streets substitute for the lack of these areas.
* There needs to be structured options in recreation and youth services for youth of all ages, especially after school and in the summer. There needs to be more variety in programs as well, as it seems like the majority of the programs for youth are in basketball.
* We need more input from youth themselves about the issues that impact them in the neighborhood.
* Group wants more information on the programs offered by YMCA Holton Street and Heartlove Place. They also discussed taking advantage of/enhancing the Mayor’s Youth Summer Employment Initiative.
* Malcolm X Academy as an example of the poor recreational areas in the neighborhood with no grass, broken-up asphalt, and no playground.

Vision for Improvement

* To have a “place” for youth activities (possibly use current vacant buildings/lots). Could create resource facilities for youth through the use of creative funding/financing.
* Focus on youth of all ages (elementary, middle school, and high school)
* Have programs that focus on health-related issues – especially on prevention (i.e., teen pregnancy, alcohol and drug prevention, etc.)
* Revitalization of Rose Park – better utilization of space and existing senior citizens center.

Action Steps – work to be done for next meeting on April 18th

* Explore what neighborhood churches are doing in youth services and recreation – how could they work together jointly?
* Investigate recreational opportunities and services provided by MPS and Milwaukee County.
* Figure out what programs and services are offered at Heartlove Place
* Put together some basic demographic data for youth.
* Investigate grant sources for youth activities.
* Look to find the amount of acreage dedicated for recreation in the planning area and compare that to other areas.
* Find out if businesses in the area are involved in recreational activities in the Harambee Neighborhood.
* Get ideas and thoughts from youth to include their viewpoints in the plan.
* Make a list of all the people who signed up for the recreation and youth services work committee.

Next MeetingWednesday, April 18th at Solomon Community Temple – 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

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