Eyes on the Neighborhood
Learn how
Posted by
K Berger LISC
2:31 PM
Labels: Crime, Information Resources
“One of the greatest threats to community revitalization is crime. And the big
generator of crime is community disintegration. Police and grassroots community
builders can and must become greater stakeholders in and defenders of the
investments made by one another. They can do this if they jointly target crime
and blight problems — and then build on those successes to achieve more.”
William Bratton, Chief, Los Angeles Police Department
addresses the LISC National Leadership Conference in
Los Angeles, Calif.
Read full report
Posted by
K Berger LISC
1:10 PM
Labels: Crime
On February 14, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its foundation will announce nearly $1.3 million and hundreds of volunteers to help fund efforts to improve educational opportunities, housing and other community needs in the Harambee North neighborhood in Milwaukee.
Thrivent Builds Neighborhoods and Thrivent Builds Homes are part of the national alliance between Thrivent Financial and Habitat for Humanity International. Thrivent Financial became Habitat for Humanity’s largest ally as a result of a four-year $105 million commitment to help increase the non-profit housing ministry’s home building production. In addition, Thrivent Financial provides volunteers through its national network of nearly 3 million members.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
10:49 AM
Labels: New Investments, Thrivent Builds
A meeting was held on January 24 for individuals and organizations who want to be early leaders in making Harambee one of Milwaukee's Great Neighborhoods. It was a high-energy meeting, where numerous ideas for collaboration among organizations serving the neighborhood--and connecting with residents during the planning process and beyond--bubbled up.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
1:30 PM
Labels: connecting, partners, sharing
Is your neighborhood all that you want it to be?
Join us for a planning workshop.
Heartlove Place, 3229 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Milwaukee
For more information or to RSVP, please call Steve Adams at 414.906.9650 or email Steve at stevea@riverworksmke.org.
Sponsored by Riverworks Milwaukee and Harambee Ombudsman Project.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
1:11 PM
Posted by
K Berger LISC
12:05 PM
Labels: assets, Harambee neighborhood, map
The Harambee Great Neighborhood Initiative involves Harambee residents in creating a vision for their community and determining priorities. The plan includes physical, social, and economic improvements that address quality of life issues. This blog facilitates communication about the plan and progress in implementing it, as well as neighborhood resources and collaboration opportunities.