Buy in Your Neighborhood
Are you tired of looking at that boarded up house down the street that the bank currently owns and living with all the problems it causes? Why don't you buy it and rent it out?
With Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds from the federal government, the City now provides funding to help homeowners buy a foreclosed property within three blocks of where they live for rental purposes. Both financial and technical assistance is provided. If the property is in need of rehabilitation, homeowners may apply for funds to rehab as well.
Learn more about the programs...
To find out where you the bank-owned foreclosure properties are, visit There is an interactive satellite map here showing the 1800 properties citywide, and zooming into 53212 and the Harambee Great Neighborhood, you'll see there are over 100. Help recruit 100 neighborhood owners to buy and care for these properties!
Mary Leach-Sumlin of ACTS, a Harambee nonprofit that assists families with homeownership opportunities and rehab projects, knows these and other programs and can answer questions about the qualifying and buying process. Give her a call at 414-372-3543.