Volunteer Day - Beerline Recreational Trail Project
Please note that there is a volunteer community event being organized to assist in implementing Phase One of the Beerline Recreational Trail Project. This project aims to take a section of abandoned and deteriorated railway and transform it into a valued stretch of public space for the Harambee and Riverwest neighborhoods. We encourage all of you to get involved, learn more about the project, and take ownership of the trail through this volunteer event. The event is scheduled as follows:
Date: Saturday November 8, 2008
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Location: Buffum Street & Keefe Ave (At the northern tip of the trail)
Basic refreshments will be served. The day will focus on litter and garbage cleanup, planting trees, mulching, etc. For more information on the project, please visit the Riverworks website at the following link: http://www.riverworksmke.org/rdc/in-the-works.php.
If you are interested and able to volunteer, please RSVP to Chris Grandt at 414.906.9650 or chrisg@riverworksmke.org.