Thursday, August 23, 2007

Upcoming Northeast Side Plan Meeting

The following message is from Janet Grau from the Department of City Development that she asked us to forward to everyone from the Harambee Connections group.

To everyone:

We said we'd meet at the end of the summer and the end of the summer is here--well almost here, it's not over yet. The Northeast Side Plan Advisory Group will meet:

Wednesday, August 29th
UWM School of Architecture and Urban Planning Commons--refreshments and light fare, children are welcome but there is no child care
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Browsing/networking/policy review and comment (open house style)/results available from the Image Preference Survey
4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Plan update from consultant with opportunity for feedback--to start promptly at 4:00 p.m. in Rm 110 off the Commons

It's okay to park in the lot behind Engelmann Hall (Hartford and Maryland). We're working on free of charge. Bring a friend(s) if you want to. If you have questions about anything please call.

Standing offer for all Plan Advisory Group members--if you have a particular plan-related issue you want to discuss, please call to set up a meeting. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you.


P.S. Mark Prudom who has been helping out with the plan over the summer will be leaving shortly to fulfill his military commitment. Sarah Horn who is studying abroad, will be coming back.

Janet F. Grau AIA AICP Dept. of City Development, Planning Division 809 N. Broadway Milwaukee WI 53202-3617 phone: 414-286-5724 FAX: 414-286-0730 E-mail: Note e-mail change to

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cluster Two Cookout Fundraiser

This Saturday, August 25th, Cluster Two Neighborhood Association is having a cookout at Solomon Community Temple (3295 N MLK Drive) to raise money to purchase school supplies for children in the neighborhood. The event starts at 10:00 AM. Brats, burgers and hot dogs will be served along with chips and soda.

Please stop by and buy some food for a great cause. Cluster Two is a great neighborhood group that is very active in the community, and they deserve our support.