HOPE to dedicate new building at Five Points

Posted by
K Berger LISC
9:51 AM
Posted by
K Berger LISC
10:59 AM
The Beerline Trail Mural Project is scheduled to begin this upcoming Monday, July 20 at 11:00 am. Thanks to assistance we received from community partners in promoting the project and spreading the news to youth in the HGNI area, 15 youth applied for 3 available apprentice positions! 10 of these individuals were interviewed on Wednesday, and from the feedback I received from Artworks for Milwaukee and Reynaldo Hernandez, all the kids were terrific. We're confident that this project will be a positive experience for everyone involved, including the general public that will benefit from a piece of community art.
We'll do our best to keep everybody posted through the HGNI blog, but don't hesitate to contact me for any news or updates. You can reach me by phone at 414-906-9650 or by email at chrisg@riverworksmke.org.
If you're reading this message from the Harambee Connections group, you can access more information regarding the project by going to the "Harambee - A Great Neighborhood" blog site at http://harambeegreatneighborhood.blogspot.com/.
Posted by
Chris Grandt
8:35 AM
The Harambee Great Neighborhoods Initiative together with Artworks for Milwaukee, mural artist Reynaldo Hernandez, and Riverworks Development Corporation finalized a project to work with youth in producing a mural this summer. Reynaldo Hernandez will be the lead artist, and we are looking to hire three neighborhood youth to work with him as youth apprentices. Youth will be paid $6.00/hr over a five week program period. All apprentices must be enrolled in high school and live in the 53212 zip code north of Center Street.
The project is scheduled to begin on July 20 at Reynaldo's studio. Applications must be submitted to Meghan Koven at Artworks for Milwaukee by July 13. You can access this application and all the details by visiting the Artworks for Milwaukee website at http://www.artworksformilwaukee.org/. Scroll down to the "Announcements" section where the Beerline Trail Mural Project is highlighted and open the application by clicking on the "Click here" link.
If you have any questions or need assistance accessing the application or filling it out, feel free to contact Meghan Koven at Artworks for Milwaukee at 414-277-8506. You may also contact Chris Grandt at Riverworks at chrisg@riverworksmke.org or 414-906-9650.
Posted by
Chris Grandt
3:38 PM
Last Monday, May 11, Members of the the Harambee Great Neighborhood Steering Committee and joined Mayor Tom Barrett at the symbolic wallraising for ten homes to be built by Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity and their volunteers.
This year, Thrivent Builds is providing $704,280 and will mobilize its members and other volunteers to build 10 homes in Milwaukee’s Harambee Great Neighborhood. Since 2006, the first year of the program, Thrivent Builds has mobilized more than 6,000 volunteers who have dedicated more than 50,000 hours to help build 30 homes in Milwaukee, 20 of them in Harambee. Lots for these homes were contributed by the City of Milwaukee and Inner City Redevelopment Corporation.
To learn more about the build, visit Milwaukee Habitat's website. To learn more about the new Harambee neighbors who are helping to build these homes and who will move into them when they are complete, click here.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
1:17 PM
Riverworks, Safe and Sound, the Milwaukee Police Dept., and the Marquette University Restorative Justice Initiative invite you to a resource fair and barbecue.
WHEN: May 30, 2009
WHERE: COA GOLDEN CENTER, 2320 W. Burleigh Street
TIME: 11:00 AM UNTIL 3:00 PM
Sounds like a great event for families looking for summer activities.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
12:43 PM
Posted by
K Berger LISC
8:52 AM
It's in the Harambee Great Neighborhood plan...Clinton Rose Park is a place neighbors want to improve and enjoy. Join a LISC-sponsored webinar featuring our local Beth Fetterly of the Urban Ecology Center plus other practitioners from around the country to learn how others have transformed parks in their neighborhoods.
Connecting housing, jobs, amenities, schools, and parks and open space is a key part of revitalized communities. Join this webcast to learn more about how neighborhood leaders are identifying natural assets and creating new community spaces. National experts and local practitioners will discuss strategies that involve citizens, local leaders, and local governments in successful models across the country. This will be an interactive session with an opportunity for participant questions and comments.
When: May 20
1:00 – 1:30 pm CST
Panel: Ben Welle, Trust for Public Land Washington DC
Beth Fetterley, Urban Ecology Center Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Beverly Smith, LISC New York, New York
Julia Seward, LISC Moderator
To join the Meeting: click or paste the link below:
For more details, download the flyer here.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
6:27 AM
Are you tired of looking at that boarded up house down the street that the bank currently owns and living with all the problems it causes? Why don't you buy it and rent it out?
With Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds from the federal government, the City now provides funding to help homeowners buy a foreclosed property within three blocks of where they live for rental purposes. Both financial and technical assistance is provided. If the property is in need of rehabilitation, homeowners may apply for funds to rehab as well.
Learn more about the programs...
To find out where you the bank-owned foreclosure properties are, visit http://www.mkedcd.org/foreclosures/ There is an interactive satellite map here showing the 1800 properties citywide, and zooming into 53212 and the Harambee Great Neighborhood, you'll see there are over 100. Help recruit 100 neighborhood owners to buy and care for these properties!
Mary Leach-Sumlin of ACTS, a Harambee nonprofit that assists families with homeownership opportunities and rehab projects, knows these and other programs and can answer questions about the qualifying and buying process. Give her a call at 414-372-3543.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
4:45 AM
At 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 11, 2009 – during a busy volunteer build day – Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity will kick-off this year’s Thrivent Builds program. The event at 3000 N. Richards Street will celebrate the collaboration between Thrivent and Habitat, as well as the volunteers who are creating hope for, and bringing help to, the neighborhood. Join elected officials Senator Kohl, Senator Feingold, Congresswoman Moore, County Executive Walker, Mayor Tom Barrett and other leaders, who have been invited as well.
This year, Thrivent is providing $704,280 and will mobilize its members and other volunteers to build 10 homes in Milwaukee’s Harambee Great Neighborhood. Since 2006, the first year of the program, Thrivent Builds has mobilized more than 6,000 volunteers who have dedicated more than 50,000 hours to help build 30 homes in Milwaukee alone. In Wisconsin, Thrivent Builds volunteers have constructed 106 homes since 2006, with 32 more scheduled for this year.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Habitat for Humanity are humbled to be able to put our faith into action by joining together to help build better communities, one home at a time. We hope that you can participate in this special event.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
4:29 AM
Like a lot of Milwaukeeans, on Saturday morning, April 18, Harambee residents participated in the Great American Cleanup. One group of fifteen heroic neighbors took to the streets of Cluster Two with rakes, shovels and garbage bags. In the picture at the left, you can see a lonely worker giving the gutters a raking.
With only fifteen helpers, they didn't cover nearly all the ground they had hoped to - they had expected fifty people, based on the responses they had received to their flyers, phone calls and personal requests. Still, they were able to gather over forty garbage bags full of winter's leftovers. And, undeterred, they're busy planning their next cleanup (and looking forward to their community garden planting next Saturday).
If you would like to volunteer or bring a community service group to help clean up in Cluster Two, or in any of the other Harambee neighborhoods, please contact Nannette Smith. The next HGNI cleanup is scheduled for May 9 in Richards Hill.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
1:11 PM
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is promoting a new state law that recently took effect that protects the rights of renters of foreclosed properties.
Under the new state law:
* Landlords must provide written notice to tenants or prospective tenants when foreclosure action begins, and again when the deadline expires for the landlord to repay to avoid foreclosure.
* Banks and financial institutions must provide written notice three times to current tenants of the property in foreclosure: when the foreclosure action begins, when the court issues a judgment, and when the property will be placed for sale. Failure to provide notice carries a $250 fine plus attorney fees.
* Tenants may stay in their rental residence up to two months following sale of the foreclosed property.
* If there is a security deposit, tenants can withhold rent and let the security deposit cover the last month before the foreclosure 'redemption' period expires. This means the time allowed for a property owner to stop the foreclosure from moving forward, a period that lasts between six to 12 months.
* Beginning June 6, the Wisconsin Circuit Court records cannot display information regarding a tenant eviction that was prompted by mortgage foreclosure.
"After hearing horror stories of tenants losing money and being evicted because they were living in foreclosed properties, the City of Milwaukee requested a change in state law," Barrett said. "I am happy to see that changes have been made and that our residents now have greater rights to safe and secure rental housing during these difficult economic times."
Barrett credited members of the Milwaukee Foreclosure Partnership Initiative and members of the Wisconsin State Legislature for working to protect tenants' rights during the foreclosure process. State Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) and State Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) were the lead sponsors of the legislation, which was included in the recent state budget and economic stimulus package. Minnesota and California have passed similar tenant protection laws.
Property owners (and renters) at risk from foreclosure are encouraged to visit http://www.milwaukeehousinghelp.org/ for referral information on housing counseling agencies, legal advice and more.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
11:30 AM
Saturday April 18 (10:00-3:00) * King Commons II * 2767 N. King Drive
Red Line Milwaukee has partnered with Raoul Deal and the UWM Peck School of the Arts for an art collaboration featuring student artists, who are creating art instillations on the Beerline Trail. The collaborative art exhibit will document and capture the community building and civic engagement processes inherent in public art-making, which would not be possible without the support of Riverworks Corp., GroundWorks Milwaukee, and our many other supporters.
With Special Guests:
Darrin Reasby - Drawing & Visual Artist
Showcasing 3 Generations: Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and President Obama
Rozalia Singh – 3D & 2D Visual Artist
Romero Hernandez – 3D & 2D Visual Artist
Posted by
11:49 AM
Do you need help with the cost of heating your home? The Energy Assistance Program helps individuals and families pay their home heating and electric bills during the winter, and pays for improvements to homes and apartments to make them more energy efficient (weatherization). Energy grants depend on family size, income level and energy costs and change each year. Applicants for energy assistance must provide copies of their utility or heating oil bills, proof of income for all adult family members 18 and older and the social security cards for everyone in the household. Energy assistance applications are taken at the 2008-2009 Energy Locations operated by the Social Development Commission (SDC) and are available until May 15th, 2009.
Visit the SDC SDC Richards Street office at 4041 N. Richards Street between Mon. - Fri., 7:30 am - 4:30 pm (doors open at 7:30) to apply.
Posted by
K Berger LISC
3:00 PM
We all know that the lack of a valid driver's license can serve as a significant barrier to many Milwaukee residents looking for employment. To help address this, Riverworks Development Corporation is now helping individuals restore driver's licenses that are suspended or revoked. We are referring Milwaukee residents with these issues to Justice 2000 and its Center for Driver's License Recovery and Employability. Through this program, many individuals are able to recover their driver's licenses, retain and obtain employment, and provide a better quality of life for themselves and their families.
We have referral forms that can be filled out in our offices so that appointments can be arranged with Justice 2000. If you know any Harambee residents who could benefit from having their driver's licenses restored, please have them set up an appointment with Marvele Carter, Benefits Navigator of the Riverworks Center for Family Prosperity. Marvele can be reached at (414) 906-9650 to schedule appointments and answer questions.
Posted by
Chris Grandt
8:19 AM
Posted by
K Berger LISC
9:23 AM
The Harambee Great Neighborhood Initiative involves Harambee residents in creating a vision for their community and determining priorities. The plan includes physical, social, and economic improvements that address quality of life issues. This blog facilitates communication about the plan and progress in implementing it, as well as neighborhood resources and collaboration opportunities.