Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Summary of Entrepreneurship & Economic Development Work Committee Meeting

On March 17th the Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Work Committee met for the first time. Below is a general summary of what was discussed in the meeting:


* Public Greenspace
* Viable businesses that "buy in" to the neighborhood
* Identify and involve the "creative class"
* Housing Emphasis
* Facade improvements along King Drive to Capital
* Uniquely identify the neighborhood(s) in the HNNP area (i.e. with signage)
* Identify large land sectors in the area for development
* Attract investors that are vested in the neighborhood and eliminate speculative investment that is detrimental to the community.
* Get tenants interested in the neighborhood.
* Manage vacant buildings in ways that are beneficial to the community and its residents - there is much competition from outside interests
* Market the neighborhood to African Americans and other parties that have real interest in helath of the area.


* Collaborative approaches among faith-based organizations
* Introduction and development of youth-oriented businesses
* Holton Street - What should be the focus?
* Juneteenth Day Festival - How to improve it to best benefit the neighborhood (compare to Garfield St. Blues Festival)
* What is the demand for businesses based on market forces and community benefit?
* How can we develop a "feel" for each neighborhood within the HNNP planning area?
* What is the overall city involvement/commitment to neighborhood development? What can they commit to doing to improve the look of the neighborhood?
* Opportunities to create an artistic and cultural presence in the neighborhood.

Action For Next Meeting (April 21)

* Need a list of vacant buildings and assessments in the planning area - along King Drive initially and then later at other corridors in the area.
* Explore past planning efforts for streetscaping and signage along King Drive.
* Investigate the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan for the HNNP area.
* Invite a commercial broker to one of the next meetings.
* Invite J. Allen Stokes, Welford Sanders, and T. Whaley-Smith to the next meeting.
* Denise Crumble to bring documentation on Brownfields.

Next Meeting - April 21 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM - place to be determined.

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